Singing Bear Activist Art Gallery
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soupcan The Soup Song
an adaptation by Ruth A. Fox
 bread and roses Bread and Roses
an adaptation by Ruth A. Fox
 forest Your Body Is A Rainforest
poem by Anitra Freeman
Jim Page Bourgeois Blues, Seattle Style
song by Jim Page
 trees Trees Are Not A Metaphor
poem by Anitra Freeman
 cityscape From the Moment You Awake
song by Carl Gunther and Gary Garrett
red tape Red Tape Come Again No More
parody by Anitra Freeman
 playwriting Plays on Social Issues
by Rick Mitchell
 Active Books Book, Movie & Webpage Reviews
writing Stories of Race in America
by Susan A. Kemp
 Retrogression a journal of music and revolution
edited by David Grenier
 your turn! Post your own art, writing or music to our Online Open Mic.
News, Poetry, Stuff That Matters
Real Change

Seattle's street-newspaper; voice of the homeless and vehicle for change.

Writing Out of the Margins StreetWrites

A workshop of homeless and formerly homeless writers.

firefall StreetLife Gallery Seattle's home of homeless art

An innovative program, StreetLife Gallery in Seattle Washington is a self-managed working art gallery that provides work space, display space and materials for homeless and low-income artists. It is creativity that gives us our heart and our strength.

Speak Up/Speak Out
Real Change Homeless Speakers Bureau

Real people putting a human face on homelessness and poverty.

The Great Speckled Bird Homeless

An online news column about homeless issues.

Speak Up/Speak Out StreetSpeech

A portal to community, art and resource sites by and for homeless and low-income people, bridging the digital divide.

Write On! Writing resource links More Activist Art
Linking Up Other activist links
Wes © Dr. Wes Browning

Real Change's own Copyright Doctor.

My Meta-Page Anitra L. Freeman, Poet and Activist

Your friendly neighborhood site admin.

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