Activist Art Webring
Singing Bears is a community forum, display gallery and webring for promoting and connecting all those using creative art to transform our world. Themes may be social justice, homeless rights, environmental action, ending child abuse -- or a thousand other subjects. Media may be visual art (including computer generated graphics), written word (from poetry to journalism) sound and motion and anything else.The Activist Art webring contains sites that:
- Have activist content, on any cause. Only sites promoting hatred or abuse will be ruled out.
- Have original artistic content, of any form: visual, written, musical or other.
- Load with reasonable speed and without errors, for all browsers.
- Are willing to place the webring code (with or without graphic) on a page from which visitors can easily navigate to and from all other pages of their site. I would prefer this to be a contents page, but I expect artists to have firm ideas about site design, and I'm willing to have you put the webring code on a separate "webrings" page. But whatever page you put the code on must either be the page you register with the webring (the page that vistors to the webring will enter your site on) or be easily, visibly linked from there. You are joining a community -- you want people to easily get to your site, and you also want them to easily travel from your site to your fellow member sites.
None of us can change the whole world by ourselves.
Together, we most certainly can.Want to Join us?
Please browse: Visit the Activist Art Gallery, post your own work in the Online Open Mic, and trade gifts at the Virtual Potlatch:
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